There are 25 million dollars of scholarships available through FIRST. Their website allows students to refine their search through different colleges, majors, and deadlines. Every senior (and junior) should look through these scholarships and apply.

The time commitment changes for every student, and for the time of year. The commitment needed increases during our official season - January through April - but the Paladins function all year long, mostly at a low commitment level. As for cost, every team member has yearly dues, usually around $250 that covers travel cost for the three competitions, safety glasses, and the team shirt. The Paladins offer many different ways that team members can fund-raise to decrease or eliminate these costs, because we believe that cost should never be an issue when a student is considering joining the Paladins.

The Petoskey Paladins Handbook explains every sub-team and the general Paladin rules. There is also the Paladin Post, a newsletter sent out to keep parents in the loop. Another way to stay up to date is by joining our slack work space, allowing you to participate in and view conversations and updates in real time. If you are interested in joining slack, please contact Mary Jean Meyerson (listed below) for an invitation.

If you want more information, please feel free to contact either the team at or our NEMO Coach, Mary Jean Meyerson, at 


To view the team calendar and Destination: Deep Space Game Video check out the members tab.