Q: What is 3618?
A: The Paladins are a FIRST FRC team with the number 3618.
Q: So, what even is a 'Paladin'?
A: That's actually a great question. A Paladin, according to the dictionary, is a knight renowned for heroism and chivalry. The Paladins follow that definition - we are a team working towards being not only the best innovators, but kind and gracious along the way.
Q: So how is 'Paladins' pronounced?
A: Pal-uh-dins.
Q: What about Petoskey?
A: Pe-tah-ski
Q: What is this year's challenge?
A: FIRST Charged Up has been released! This years game involves grabbing rubber cones and inflatable cubes on different poles and platforms, respectively. Teams compete to see who gets more sets of three on the grid. At the end of the match, teams try to balance their robots on a balancing board.
Q: This seems like a really cool program, but I am not that interested in mechanical or programming, is there any thing else that I can help with?
A: Of course there is! We have two sides to our team, the "EMO" (Engineering and Mechanical Operations) and the "NEMO" (Non-Engineering and Mechanical Operations). The NEMO team will help build leadership, business management, graphic design, and writing skills.
Q: This is all so cool! How do I join?
A: The Paladins accept new members every year in September. We do have rolling admission for students who decide to join late, but the absolute deadline is our yearly Northwest Michigan Robotics Conference in early December. All the information and forms will be posted here or could be picked up at Mr. Ochs' room at Petoskey High School.
Q: Where can I get more information about different programs?
A: Head over to the FIRST official website, where you will be able to have all your questions answered or email us at petoskeypaladins3618@gmail.com